One Sexy Wife Store


  • Walk in to Your Sexy!


    If you haven’t exercised in a while, or are looking for something easy you can do every single day give walking a try. It’s the perfect low impact way to exercise.

    It’s easy to do, you don’t need any special equipment and you can start at the fitness level you’re at.

    In this ebook you will learn how and why walking can help you look better and feel better and how walking can help you get your sexy back.

  • The Mindset of A Wealthy Wife


    Have you ever wondered how a rich person was able to accumulate so much money? Perhaps you’ve taken notice of a poor person and found it perplexing, or even upsetting, that he just didn’t have any money no matter how hard he worked.

    What determines who will be rich and who will be poor? The reality is that your money mindset helps you determine whether you’ll be rich or poor.

    This ebook addresses the differences between the mindsets of rich and poor people when it comes to money. Each section explores a specific way of thinking about money and the widely contrasting views taken by the rich and poor. You’ll be enlightened about how you can alter what you think, feel and believe about money in order to “think rich.”

  • SWEAT- Managing Menopause And Keeping Your SEXY!


    If menopausal symptoms become too difficult to manage, there are many things you can do to alleviate the symptoms so you feel better while going through this inevitable change.

  • STOP Lying You Don’t Have A Headache


    Low libido is one of the issues that are not discussed often in the media. And yet, it affects many. Lower sex drive, particularly for women, remains a mystery.

    Part of the problem is that women’s sexuality is a bit more complicated and complex than men. A man’s main sexual complaint is erectile dysfunction.

    Women’s biggest sexual problem is caused by a combination of both mental and physical factors, which aren’t likely to be cured by merely popping a pill.

    In this ebook Gail explores and talks about what you can do as a woman to boost your libido in a safe healthy way.

  • Stepping Into Your Confidence – Slaying Your Mirror


    One of the most important factors that shapes a woman’s sense of fulfillment and ability to achieve what she wants in life is her confidence?

    And yet a lack of confidence is the number one complaint I hear from the women I work with as a Certified marriage and Intimacy coach.

    Lack of confidence holds women back from creating healthy relationships with their husbands family, friends and from achieving the success they desire at work, and feeling empowered to create positive and uplifting experiences for themselves.

  • 29 Romance Starters


    Is the sizzle gone?
    Do you wonder if you’ll ever feel that special feeling again?
    Are you ready to give it one more go?
    Great, you want romance?
    Check out these 29 Romance Starters to spark the flames of romance.

  • Position Yourself For Pleasure


    Traditional sex positions tend to get a bad rap these days, and understandably so; they have a tendency to get old rather quickly. You may be surprised to learn that these classic sex positions can be turned into something hot and fantastic with just a few minor adjustments.

    Many sex positions with ”Sextra Benefits” are easy to do, and they don’t require the skill of an acrobat. And most importantly, my suggested sex positions with “Benefits” deliver for both you and your husband.

    Try one of the following sex positions with “Benefits” and you’ll see what I mean.

  • OSW Couples Kissing Card Game


    The One Sex Wife Couple’s Kissing Game! Research shows that kissing makes you feel better, reduces stress and boosts immunity. The One Sexy Wife Kissing Game is a simple but is very sweet game to rekindle your intimacy, love & SEX life anytime. And it is good for your health!

  • More Than Just BOOBS!


    Understanding the different types of cancer, their causes or contributing factors and symptoms and signs should help women recognize warning signs.

    When it comes to cancer, early detection is everything.

  • Me, Me Myself & I


    Me, Me Myself & I – Learning To Live With A Spouse Who Is A Narcisse

    Narcissistic personality disorder or NPD is a disorder where someone has an inflated sense of self-importance. They believe, for a variety of reasons, that they’re far superior and more important than those around them.

    Narcissistic Personality Disorder is common enough that most people will know several individuals with this disorder. Living with them, loving them, or living with the disease yourself can be a challenge, but it’s not an insurmountable challenge. It is possible to live a full life with this disorder.



    The greatest power that mankind could ever achieve is the power of unconditional love, God’s kinda love. This is when people love with no limitations, conditions or boundaries. This type of love is also comparable to true love which is used to describe love between lovers.

    But unconditional love is mostly used to describe the love for family members and other highly committed relationships. This book will tell you everything about giving and receiving unconditional love.

  • Love Your Skin


    We all know that dreaded feeling of wanting to look summer perfect before summer hits. We all have equally good intentions – to work out, wax our legs, prepare our shopping list for sunscreens with moisturizers and, perhaps, to lose a few pounds.

    While all those good intentions are great, a little work may be needed in order to really be prepared for healthy and attractive summer skin way before summer hits.

    Preparation is really key in getting your skin summer ready. Nobody can expect to wake up one July morning and magically have the glowing summer skin they always dreamed of.

    A Little Spring Cleaning for Your Skin.

  • Life After Infidelity


    Your spouse has wronged you in the most hurtful way a lover can possibly fathom: betrayal. The fact that your spouse has been unfaithful is never easy to accept.

    It’s an especially tough pill to swallow if you were under the impression that your relationship was better than ever. There are two aspects to acceptance: mental and emotional.

    Both are equally important in overcoming the effects of infidelity. In this ebook you will learn tools and techniques to help you deal with the effects of infidelity in your marriage.

  • Help Him Rise Naturally – Erectile Dysfunction Ebook


    Erectile Dysfunction is generally either caused by a physical problem or a mental or psychological problem. IN the case of the latter this can usually be overcome through either therapy or self- training.

    Physical problems however must be referred to a specialist, particularly if there is a problem with blood flow to or from the penis.

    Illness can also cause Erectile Dysfunction with diabetes, high blood pressure and prostate problems all weighing heavily.

    This e-book explores natural remedies and how they can be highly effective in overcoming Erectile Dysfunction

  • Am I Being Abused- In My Marriage?


    Abuse is about power. If someone consistently exerts power over another person, that’s abuse. It doesn’t matter if that power is exerted verbally, financially, or through manipulation or physical violence – it’s all abuse.

    Sometimes it’s easy to define and identify an abusive relationship. Other times, not so much. This is because there are different types of abuse. It’s important to understand that simple fact and to know that you don’t have to tolerate or live with any abuse of any kind.

  • A Wife Who Prays


    Your marriage and husband should be the most important things in your life besides God. You love him and want him to be all that God has called him to be.

    As his wife, the most powerful thing you can do for yourself and your husband is pray for him daily. Every day your husband and your marriage will face temptations, attacks, and challenges that test a couple’s commitment to the Lord.

    The devil is doing everything in his power to destroy the covenant of marriage. The Bible says he comes to kill, steal, and destroy. Whether you like it or not, your husband and marriage is in the crosshairs of the kingdom of darkness. His only hope is to continually draw on the strength that God has provided.

    As your husband’s wife, it is your responsibility to continually support him and the marriage through prayer.

    Your marriage needs your prayers, and encouragement.

  • 30 Day Gratitude Challenge


    Imagine telling your husband that he is appreciated. That he matters. That

    you care about him, and that your world and life is a better place because he

    is a part of it. Showing gratitude starts with just one gesture and it could spread to every

    part of your marriage and other relationships that you have in your life.

    The challenge is to express gratitude to your spouse every day, anywhere

    and anytime, for any reason for 30 consecutive days without fail.

  • 15 Kinky Things To Do With Your Panties


    Your panties can service you and your spouse in more ways than you think.  Use the tips in this quick read guide to take your sexy game to a NEW level!

  • God Me and My Wife Life Journal


    Journaling about your journey as a wife is a fun way to learn more about yourself. It’s a way to document your needs, wants and desires throughout your life and marriage.  

    You can also document your life journey and gift your journal to one of your children to give them insight into who you were and who you have become. 

  • Order In The House- A 30 Day Guide To A Tidy Home


    The 30 Day Guide To A Tidy Home. Because you deserve to walk into a room and NOT get overwhelmed!

  • OSW Couples Kissing Card Game (FREE)


    The One Sex Wife Couple’s Kissing Game! Research shows that kissing makes you feel better, reduces stress and boosts immunity. The One Sexy Wife Kissing Game is a simple but is very sweet game to rekindle your intimacy, love & SEX life anytime. And it is good for your health!

  • Sexual Addiction Healing Starts With Acknowledgment


    Individuals dealing with sex addiction face a unique challenge compared to those recovering from drug or alcohol dependencies. While overcoming chemical dependencies is undoubtedly difficult, the path to recovery is clear-cut: complete abstinence from the substance. Sex addiction, however, is more complex. We are inherently sexual beings, and many individuals with this addiction will continue to engage in sexual activity throughout their lives. This raises the critical question: what constitutes healthy sexual behavior as opposed to addictive behavior? In this ebook Dr. Gail helps set the stage for recovery. But you also should seek professional help on this journey. 

  • Authentic Intimacy In Action


    Intimacy is the bedrock of a strong, fulfilling marriage. Without it, relationships become empty and stagnant, leaving spouses feeling isolated and unsatisfied. The good news is – with some effort and commitment, it’s possible to cultivate the intimacy you crave.


  • Mind Blowing Sex God’s Way!


    As a wife, God has given us a special book in the Bible – The Song of Solomon. In this never-talked-about book, God is clear that we can have AMAZING sex and intimacy in our marriages.

  • 1 Mouth, 2 Ears- Listen To Your Spouse Before You Speak


    1 Mouth, 2 Ears-Listen To Your Spouse Before You Speak

    This workbook by Dr. Gail was carefully crafted to guide you and your spouse through practical exercises designed to strengthen your ability to listen with empathy, speak with clarity, and truly understand one another. Every couple experiences challenges, but it’s how you approach those moments that define your journey together. Learning to listen before you speak is key to navigating life’s ups and downs with unity and love.

  • A-Z Sexy Date Night Ideas!


    “In every marriage, date nights are essential for keeping the spark alive, but finding fresh, exciting ideas can be a challenge. This A-Z guide is here to take the guesswork out of planning sexy, memorable nights that rekindle passion and deepen your bond. Whether you’re looking for something adventurous or intimate, these creative ideas are designed to inspire connection and joy, helping you both break out of the routine and celebrate each other in new ways. Let’s turn date night into an experience you’ll look forward to again and again!”

  • Five Tips To Navigate Family and Friends During The Holidays!


    Navigating family and friends during the holidays can be challenging and overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. By setting clear boundaries for yourself and others, you can create a season filled with laughter and lasting memories.